Friction to Flow is where challenges become catalysts, and sustainable peak performance becomes the new norm for societal impact

We educate and influence to bridge the gap between workplaces and wellness, by offering coaching and consulting services to purpose led businesses and individuals that want to accelerate the rate of their impact

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

I’m Ruth

Growing up I questioned how I fit into my surroundings. I developed a strong drive to understand others; their dreams, fears, and what propels them to reach their full potential. I was curious but I followed the  traditional success markers — a degree, a Masters, a career in Leadership and Talent consulting, marriage, children—yet, despite external achievements, I faced burnout in my work and personal life. How did this happen?

I felt inauthentic and burdened. At a critical juncture, I hit pause to reflect on what I now recognise as my personal frictions, and part of my source of motivation.  

I’ve worked for 15 years in Leadership and Talent Consulting, partnering with clients in diverse sectors and international cultures. I’ve engaged on a deep and intimate basis with the Leaders and the Workplaces, and witnessed the friction of getting the messy human to meld with the organisational objective. It’s my belief that instilling a ‘coaching culture’ in your organisation or will bridge the gap between the human and the workplace. 

I’m naturally insightful, empathetic and honest, with a direct and challenging style, and I’ve combined this with credentials in Executive Coaching, plus 15 years working in Talent and Leadership Advisory, plus my own experience of the transformative power of coaching to build Friction to Flow. 

My mission is clear: empower leaders to embrace sustainable peak performance and leadership authenticity to create an environment of purpose, creativity, and inclusion for themselves and their teams.

Join me to promote brave, ambitious, and healthy leadership, driving positive change for ourselves and those we lead.

Make it happen

Sustainable peak Performance, Healthy leadership, Human Workplaces